Have you ever submitted a patch to Phabricator only to have reviewbot reveal dozens of lint errors
all over? Or worse yet, have you landed before reviewbot had a chance to analyze your patch and been
backed out over lint failures? If so fear not, we’ve all been there. Still, it’s hard not to feel a
little embarrassed when it happens. Luckily for you, it’s pretty easy to eliminate the possibility
of it ever happening again!
Read more →I first joined Mozilla as an intern in 2010 for
the “Tools and Automation Team” (colloquially called the “A-Team”). I always had a bit of
difficulty describing our role. We work on tests. But not the tests themselves, the the thing that
runs the tests. Also we make sure the tests run when code lands. Also we have this dashboard to view
results, oh and also we do a bunch of miscellaneous developer productivity kind of things. Oh and
sometimes we have to do other operational type things as well, but it varies.
Over the years the team grew to a peak of around 25 people and the A-Team’s responsibilities
expanded to include things like the build system, version control, review tools and
more. Combined with Release Engineering (RelEng), this covered almost all of
the software development pipeline. The A-Team was eventually split up into many smaller
teams. Over time those smaller teams were re-org’ed, split up further, merged and renamed over and
over again. Many labels were applied to the departments that tended to contain those teams. Labels
like “Developer Productivity”, “Platform Operations”, “Product Integrity” and “Engineering
Interestingly, from 2010 to present, one label that has never been applied to any of these teams is
Read more →If you’re working with mozilla-central on Windows and followed the official
documentation, there’s a good
chance the MozillaBuild shell is running in the default cmd.exe
console. If you’ve spent any
amount of time in this console you’ve also likely noticed it leaves a bit to be desired. Standard
terminal features such as tabs, splits and themes are missing. More importantly, it doesn’t render
unicode characters (at least out of the box).
Luckily Microsoft has developed a modern
terminal that can replace cmd.exe,
and getting it set up with MozillaBuild shell is simple.
Read more →This post was co-authored with Marco Castelluccio, and was originally
posted to the Mozilla Hacks
A browser is an incredibly complex piece of software. With such enormous complexity, the only way to maintain a rapid pace of development is through an extensive CI system that can give developers confidence that their changes won’t introduce bugs. Given the scale of our CI, we’re always looking for ways to reduce load while maintaining a high standard of product quality. We wondered if we could use machine learning to reach a higher degree of efficiency.
Read more →Mozilla recently announced that we are planning to de-commission irc.mozilla.org
in favour
of a yet to be determined solution. As a long time user and supporter of IRC, this decision causes
me some melancholy, but I 100% believe that it is the right call. Moreover, having had an inside
glimpse at the process to replace it, I’m supremely confident whatever is chosen will be the best
option for Mozilla’s needs.
I’m not here to explain why deprecating IRC is a good idea. Other people have
already done so much more eloquently than I ever could have. I’m also not here to push for a
specific replacement. Arguing over chat applications is like arguing over editors or version
control. Yes, there are real and important differences from one application to the next, but if
there’s one thing we’re spoiled for in 2019 it’s chat applications. Besides, so much time has been
spent thinking about the requirements, there’s little anyone could say on the matter that
hasn’t already been considered for hours.
This post is about an unrelated, but adjacent issue. An issue that began when mozilla.slack.com
first came online, an issue that will likely persist long after irc.mozilla.org
rides off into
the sunset. An issue I don’t think is brought up enough, and which I’m hoping to start some
discussion on now that communication is on everyone’s mind. I’m talking about using two
communication platforms at once. For now Slack and IRC, soon to be Slack and something else.
Different platform, same problem.
Read more →Mozilla uses a lot of Python. Most of our build system, CI configuration, test harnesses, command
line tooling and countless other scripts, tools or Github projects are all handled by Python. In
mozilla-central there are over 3500 Python files (excluding third party files), comprising roughly
230k lines of code. Additionally there are 462 repositories labelled with Python in the Mozilla
org on Github (though many of these are not active). That’s a lot of Python, and most of it is
Python 2.
With Python 2’s exaugural year well underway, it is a good time to take stock of the situation and
ask some questions. How far along has Mozilla come in the Python 3 migration? Which large work items
lie on the critical path? And do we have a plan to get to a good state in time for Python 2’s EOL on
January 1st, 2020?
Read more →A talk I did for the Automationeer’s Assemble series on how Mozilla handles complexity in their CI
Read more →Have you ever needed to inspect the taskgraph locally? Did you have a bad time? Learn how to inspect
the taskgraph like a PRO. For the impatient skip to the installation instructions below.
Read more →I’ve recently redone my website and wanted to document a few of the changes and motivations behind
Read more →It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of try syntax, it’s a topic I’ve blogged about on several
occasions before. Today, I’m pleased to announce that there’s a real alternative now landed on
mozilla-central. It works on all platforms with mercurial and git. For those who just like to dive in:
$ mach mercurial-setup --update # only if using hg
$ mach try fuzzy
This will prompt you to install fzf. After bootstrapping is finished, you’ll enter an interface
populated with a list of all possible taskcluster tasks. Start typing and the list will be filtered
down using a fuzzy matching algorithm. I won’t go into details on how to use this tool in this blog
post, for that see:
$ mach try fuzzy --help # or
$ man fzf
Read more →